
2013년 9월19일 Twitter 이야기

Hernhut 2013. 9. 19. 23:59
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    Christ now sits at the right hand of the Father, not only as God, but as glorified Man; not only as Ruler, but as Redeemer and High Priest.
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    “영적훈련: 직관(直觀)” http://t.co/ySnkX72ByV 주님, 우리는 당신께 우리의 마음을 엽니다. 우리 위에 당신의 빛을 비추소서. 한 낮의 햇빛처럼 더 밝게 우리를 비추소서. 주님께 영광을 돌립니다.
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    God is God, supreme and sovereign. He alone is holy. The only thing we can do is to admit our unholiness,
    Retweeted bymbcigospel
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    Waging spiritual warfare includes living godly lives, praying in the power of the blood of #Jesus and with the authority of the Word of God.
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    If You’re all You claim to be
    then I’m not Losing Anything
    So I will Crawl upon my Knees
    Just to know the
    Joy of suffering
    "Remake Me"
    Retweeted bymbcigospel